Monday, March 30, 2020

Week 9: Akira and Ghost in The Shell

So for week nine we went over very iconic Manga and Anime that influenced the world of cyberpunk and influenced various other medias to come. As the Anime we went over we watched Akira. This movie was a great balance of incorporating various different story elements to make such a compelling story. It had the horror and whimsy of something like Stranger Things where there is a top secret government hiding a big secret from its citizens. However, it also incorporated the gang type of relationship that involved the teens partaking in small mischievous actions like something out of West Side Story. The environment had all the cyber punk elements of Blade Runner but also incorporating this alien-esque feel.  Out of everything though I feel my favorite part about the Anime was the stylistic way it was created. You could tell that it was made in the 80's by its cinematography, music score, and its overall futuristic yet grounded to earth content. I loved every minute of the movie and it definitely captured the cyberpunk world that was being showcased.

As for the Manga, we read Ghost in a Shell. I've heard of this manga before being asked to read it due to its insanely popular following. I believe as a manga, this captured perfectly this alternative cyber punk world where people are merged with machine. I personally loved the artistic style of the characters, but I also equally liked when the images would have a vintaged tinge of color to them. I was very enticed by the few chapters that I did read, and I see why it has such a "cult" following.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

My Solo Exchange Diary 3/5

So in this manga (that the entire class read may I add) it tells the tale of Nagata Kabi who was the author of My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness. Within this Manga she goes into detail about her life and the struggles she encounters with being a manga artist living with her parents and having this craving for social interaction (particularly sexual).

Within the first entry of her "diary" she gives us an introduction to herself and her life situation. It's in this chapter that we are introduced to the main problem that Nagata is feeling which is this bone chilling cold she feels since she's alone. She also talks about although she is a successful manga writer that she is still struggling with her relationships back home and with money to pay for her basic necessities.

Within the second entry we see that Nagata is trying to find solutions to fix the chilling cold she feels. For instance, she will attempt to go to a bathing room to get warm (which works for a little) and then once she goes back into the outside world she remains cold again. It takes her hiring an escort for her to realize the cold she is feeling is actually just the coldness that comes with  being lonely.

Then within the third entry, we are introduced to her family life and the struggles she encounters with her family. She has dreams of wanting to have her own place but she's under strict jurisdiction of her parents as she lives under their roof. She didn't realize that she had accumulated almost 1million yen from her new years money, but she is still under pressure of her family. We also see that she has a poor relationship with her father and that her father is very verbally cold and abusive towards Nagata.

This series showcases this entertaining biography of Nagata's life and I feel I get a better understanding of her as a person by reading this. I will continue to read this manga since it's so entertaining and very charming.

Satellite Girl and Milk Cow 3/5

Well well. when I first walked into the class and this anime was playing I was at a loss for words. This movie tells the tale of a man that is turned into a milk cow after getting his heart broken. It's from here that we are introduced to the man's sentient dog, a wizard toilet paper, and Satellite Girl.

These four must stop the incinerator, which would kill various animal based people by throwing them in the fire. It's to no surprise that the incinerator is interested in killing our main protagonist, Milk Cow. With the help of these four we are introduced to this wacky world filled with the most bizarre logics.

I do have to say it was quite entertaining to witness. I was very confused,yet intrigued from the start and truthfully I didn't want the movie to end. It was bizarre in everyday imaginable (I mean there was literally a walking toilet paper wizard) and although the logic behind the movie was questionable, it was intriguing. I will definitely watch the rest of this movie after class ends.