A: My first reaction reading this text gave me this eerie sense of uncertainty. There is talk of this magician man that lived over in the abandoned fair grounds. It ends up catching the attention of Yun Ai. At first I thought that this was going to take the form of a horror story, where our main character would end up perishing early. I was wrong, and as I continued to read I began to realize that its a story of this poverty stricken, and ill fortuned girl who ends up finding her solutions through magic.
2. What connections did you make with the story? Discuss what elements of the story with which you were able to connect?
A: I don't specifically know what this question is suppose to insinuate specifically, but I guess I can relate her inner dialogue. She was always lost in her thoughts and she would end up becoming more introverted due to this. This I found the most relatable out of her situation, but I could feel pity for her and the situations she would be placed in. And as she was able to progress in the story, and find help in the magician I found myself rooting for her.
3. What changes would you make to adapt this story into another medium? What medium would you choose; what changes would you make?
A: If there was a way to translate this manga to another medium I have to say I would just take it into an animated platform. I believe with the use of animation, it could really push the story forward and add an element of life to the text that couldn't be done with a print based or solid image format. Although, I do have to say, I loved the use of variety in media and the use of photography that was integrated in the web comic. I feel it made it different than most I have read.
A: This story really utilizes its online environment by working with the layout. Like Bridgette mentioned within the class setting, the ability to scroll adds an element to the story that wouldn't be available by looking at it as a static image. The first example that I can think of within the story that really captivated me was the moment where the magician made money appear, and as you scrolled you could see the money falling to the ground. It was quite ~magical~ to say the least.
Hope you enjoyed my answers :)
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